“MFC has given my child the ability to think independently and become self-motivated.”
The conventional educational system.
The conventional model of education was born in the industrial age when masses of people moved to urban areas to work in factories. They created an effective method of training the following generations of factory workers with a one-size-fits-all approach. The education system emphasized memorization and judged students by their ability to recall facts on multiple-choice exams. Children were instructed to sit in nice, neat rows of desks and to ask permission to move. The conventional model continues to be used within a school structure that is virtually unchanged since the mid-nineteenth century.
However, this is no longer meeting the needs of our knowledge driven culture and no longer viable as we enter the era of lifelong learning. Facts taught in school today can be obsolete in a few years. Employees must constantly re-invent their skill sets in order to stay employable. Employers recognize they need to be increasingly self-sufficient in helping their employees keep their skill sets up-to-date.
Should an employer’s needs matter to a third-grade educator? Absolutely. Nurturing the skills that modern organizations need should begin with early childhood education. How to create, how to invent, how to solve problems, how to continually learn — these are skills that should be reinforced at every level of education. Luckily for parents, Montessori schools like MFC do just that …. and more!
In a nutshell, Montessori is an individualized approach to education that helps each child reach full potential in all areas of life. It is a student-centered approach that encourages creativity and curiosity and leads children to ask questions, explore, investigate and think for themselves as they acquire skills. It offers a deeper way for students to learn (not just memorize) with hands on activities using specially designed Montessori materials.
Montessori approach challenges predominant educational theories by giving children the freedom to grow, learn and contribute to the classroom. Instead of expecting that the child pay close attention to the teacher, it is the Montessori teacher who pays close attention to the child ready to present new lessons and challenges to keep the child actively engaged. We believe a child has an innate hunger for knowledge and development which naturally leads to inner discipline, concentration and joy!
Now, more than ever, our world needs critical thinkers, problem solvers and do-ers. Some of the leading innovators in the world, including Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales credit their ability to think differently to their Montessori education. Montessori education prepared them to take on the world with confidence and zeal, propelled by the gift of self-knowledge and lifelong passion for learning.
Because Montessori isn’t just a school.
It is the foundation that prepares children for our rapidly changing world.
It is the foundation for the future.
It is the foundation for life.