Admissions Policy
Thank you for considering Montessori Foundations of Chicago for your child’s education. The admissions procedure is designed to give parents an opportunity to learn about the school, its philosophy and policies, and to meet our staff. Plus, it is an opportunity to determine whether we are able to meet the needs and expectations of the parents. It also gives families who are new to Montessori an excellent introduction to the philosophy and methods of a Montessori education in general. MFC admits students without regard to race, color, religion or national origins. Our goal is to enroll families who will both benefit from and contribute to what the school has to offer.
We are an all year program and accept applications on a rolling admissions basis. However, in order not to disturb the dynamic of the classroom, we enroll new children only three times a year: September, January and June. Due to limited space, we suggest that families begin the application process at least four months prior to the anticipated start date.
Submit an Application
To place your child’s name on our waiting list, complete the online application.
schedule a tour
In the meantime, prospective families can learn more about each program and tour the classroom while school is in session during our tours. This will give you a first-hand understanding of how Montessori can benefit your child and determine if this is an environment you would like for them.
Tours typically take place on the first Friday of each month from 9:30 to 10:00 am and are for parents only. Space is limited so RSVP is required. Click on the link below to let us know that you would like to attend.
The enrollment processes varies by level. In general, when space becomes available, the following priorities are observed in determining admission and re-enrollment:
Siblings of currently enrolled students. However, if a sibling leaves Montessori Foundations of Chicago before completing the full Three Year Cycle, other children in that family no longer receive priority for admission or re-enrollment
Balancing of ages and genders in each classroom
Date of application and student evaluation
Once an applicant is accepted, we will set up an appointment to complete an enrollment packet. During this appointment the school’s policies, financial responsibility, and the families' involvement and commitment will be thoroughly discussed. Prior to leaving, an appointment will be set with your child's teacher for your classroom orientation.